Caribbean Lobster (Jamaica)

Panulirus argus is most commonly known as CARIBBEAN LOBSTER and is caught predominantly throughout the Caribbean and as far south as Brazil. Major origins include Florida, Cuba, Bahamas, Belize, Nicaragua, Honduras, Colombia and Brazil.

The approximate catch of the species is between 30,000mt – 40,000mt annually and is the largest commercially produced spiny lobster in the world. As a warm water species, it is also one of the fastest growing and reaches maturity at just 2-3yrs old.

100% of all Caribbean Lobsters exported by Wild Oceans are Wild Caught.

Caribbean-Lobster-Tails-(on-ice) Caribbean-Lobster-Tails Caribbean-Tails Fresh-Wrapped-Tails Frozen-Whole-Raw-(Unwrapped) Whole-Raw-Caribbean-Lobster

Catch Details:

  • Managed Fishery
  • HACCP, FDA and EU Approved
  • Trap Caught, Diver Caught


Whole Raw (FROZEN), 10kg (22lb) Master

    • 350/400, 400/460, 460/520, 520/575, 575/630, 630/690, 690/785, 785/900, 900/1200, 1200/1350, 1350+

Whole Cooked (FROZEN), 10kg (22lb) Master

    • 350/400, 400/460, 460/520, 520/575, 575/630, 630/690, 690/785, 785/900, 900/1200, 1200/1350, 1350+

Raw Tails (FROZEN), 4.54kg (10lb) Master

    • 5oz thru 20oz+