Ribbonfish (Trichiurus lepturus)

Brazilian Ribbonfish are caught off the Northeast coast of Brazil. Ribbonfish is hand caught by box traps on the shore in receding tides, using no net and no hook.

The Ribbonfish fishing industry has fixed season start and finish dates. Fishing licenses are required for anyone fishing with a rod, from a boat or underwater.

The Federal Government has adopted the plan ‘Fish Forever’. The Fish Forever partnership aims to empower the communities to sustainably manage their marine resources through the establishment of territorial user rights for fisheries (TURF’s) in combination with No-Take Marine Reserves.
The Fish Forever partnership works with local communities and government agencies to strengthen community based fishery management systems and establish fish recovery zones to protect important fishery habitats. Extractive coastal and marine reserves (RESEX) have been established for small scale fishing communities. RESEX are designated areas in which only certain extractive activities are allowed. These areas are set up to protect the rights of coastal communities.

Ribbonfish is a mild flavoured fish with delicate flesh and is valued for it’s high nutrition. Packed from fresh, it is sought throughout the Asian markets for deep fried, stir fried and sushi dishes.

100% of all Ribbonfish exported by Wild Oceans are Wild Caught

Catch Details:

  • Beach trap caught
  • Fisheries Improvement Project Partners
  • HACCP, EU, & CIQ Registered


200/300, 300/500, 500/700
Packed to 10kg Master carton,
100% net weight